After the Christmas break, pest control events across Europe are about to start. Eurocido, always an excellent event and held in Dortmund, Germany, gets the ball rolling.
Eurocido – 19-20 February Held every other year, in alternate years to PestEx, Eurocido is well worth a visit. Organised by the German pest control association (DSV), this is the eleventh time the event has been held – meaning 22 years since it began – and each time it gets better and better. With over 90 exhibitors, there will be a lot to see. Add to this an extensive seminar programme – with simultaneous translation into English – with presentations from leading independant experts and you will have your work cut-out to cover the event in one day. Just as well it is on for two! The seminar programme has the feeling of looking to the future, with presentations on invasive pests which may well become our problems of the future – for example Lasius neglectus, the Asian tiger mosquito, camel spiders and pseudo scorpions. Surprisingly, but this has always been the case, entrance is Euro 49 covering both days if tickets are bought on the door or Euro 39 if paid in advance from the Eurocido website. This makes you realise how lucky we are in the UK with our free exhibitions. So, reserve the dates of 19 & 20 February and see you there. ConExPest – 8-9 May Organised by the Polish pest control association it is co-organised with Sdruená Pracovnáká¹ Dezinfekce and Dezinsekce a Deratizace áeská© Republiky from the Czech Republic, Guild Profesioná¡lov DDD from Slovakia and MaKOSZ from Hungary. |
It is an ideal shop window for the more eastern countries in Europe – Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine and Belarus.
11th Fumigation & Pheromones – 2-4 June This is the eleventh time this conference has been held and if you have an interest in stored product insects, pheromones, fumigation or working in the food industry this is the event for you. To be held on 2-4 June, book your place before 15 March and benefit from the Euro 100 early bird discount. 8th International Conference or Urban Pests – 20-23 July The preliminary programme detailing not only the invited, but also the papers offered by those performing research in this area, has just been published and can be seen on the ICUP website.