Whilst April will be a quiet month, event wise, in the pest management industry, things start to hot-up on come May. Here are some dates for your dairy.
For UK pest controllers, particularly those based in the North of England and Scotland, it’s worth noting that it is just eight weeks to the new British Pest Control Association (BPCA) organised one-day event on 21 May. It is billed as PPC Live Manchester, although those from the area may well point out that Eccles, where the event will actually be held, in the Salford City Stadium, is actually part of the city of Salford; a separate city within Greater Manchester. But let’s not split hairs!
By staging PPC Live in the North West in alternate years to PestEx in London, BPCA is looking to provide easier access for pest controllers in the North.
The ethos of the event however is rather different to PestEx. PPC Live will take the one-day format, like PestTech, the National Pest Technicians Association’s (NPTA) flagship event, which has run annually in November for 21 years, just down the M6 in the West Midlands.
Again, like PestTech, PPC Live will offer a mix of technical seminars and an exhibition. Around 50 exhibitors have already signed up, although a straw poll of those attending suggests thye seem to be doing so on a ‘let’s suck it and see’ basis rather than with great enthusiasm for a third event in the UK. If you like the idea of having a Northern event, then be sure to get along on 21 May and support it as, it will probably be a case of ‘use it, or lose it’. You do have to have some sympathy with the exhibitors. Many of them will only just be back from the Polish Association of Disinfection, Disinsectization and Deratization’s event, ConExPest, in Kraká³w, Poland. This runs for two days on 8 and 9 May, just a fortnight before PPC Live. ConExPest is held every three years so it’s one exhibitors don’t want to miss. Being located in Kraká³w in the South of Poland it benefits from easy access from neighbouring countries in Eastern Europe, in particular Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. For those with an interest in fumigation and pheromones, then it’s back to Kraká³w in June. The 11th Fumigation & Pheromones Conference, organised by Insects Limited, Illinois, ICB pharma of Poland and Insects Limited’s sister company, Fumigation Services & Supply Inc, is in town from 2 to 4 June. Keynote speaker is New York rodent expert, Dr Bobby Corrigan, with regional and international speakers who have spent many years researching ways to better protect food, grain, people and the environment. Also with an international flavour, from 20 to 23 July, there’s the 8th International Conference on Urban Pests in Zurich, Switzerland. The extensive technical programme includes papers from leading academics from around the world covering insect pests such as bed bugs, mosquitoes, flies, ants, termites and cockroaches, along with some vertebrate pests, including rodents. UK presenters include: Moray Anderson, Clive Boase, Matthew Davies, Adam Juson, David Loughlin, Gai Murphy and Dave Oldbury. |