Control Solutions wins street cleaning tender for Debenham Parish Council

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Control Solutions, a Suffolk based pest control business, has been awarded a three-year contract for street cleaning and public bin emptying for the parish of Debenham.

Owner and operator Ben Goodrum said: “When we initially saw the tender come out we didn’t really give it any thought, but then we saw that the tender deadline had been extended and thought maybe they haven’t found what they were looking for, so we gave it a closer look.

“Having read the details of what was involved, we decided that it was similar to recommendations we give out to our customers all of the time; remove and keep areas litter free, empty bins before they overflow and keep vegetation down. Basically IPM.”

Mr Goodrum said: “We thought this would not only be a boost to our contract portfolio but we could take the fight to the front line and help reduce any pest activity in this lovely parish. It’s not only rats that are attracted to litter but also flies and wasps, so by keeping the streets clean and the bins empty before they get to full, we would also be controlling any pest activity at the source.

“A win-win for the parish, the people living there and our portfolio.”

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About Author

With more than 25 years' experience in business-to-business publishing, Simon is editor of LBM titles Pest and OvertheCounter. Big fan of Manchester United.