Pest Solutions driving forward net zero ambitions as part of Step Up to Net Zero programme

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Glasgow-based Pest Solutions said it is leading the way on prioritising sustainability and the journey to net zero in the pest control industry as part of the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce ‘Step Up to Net Zero’ programme.

Fully funded by Glasgow City Council and the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, delivered by Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, this project aims to support the city’s net zero ambitions and create jobs.

Step Up to Net Zero supports businesses in their efforts to reach net zero by funding six-month work placements which help organisations take action towards achieving net zero and circular economy goals.

As part of the programme, Maisie Bullock, who holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Futures: Sustainable Systems from The University of Glasgow, joined the Pest Solutions team as Net Zero and Sustainability Coordinator in February this year, one of the first roles dedicated to sustainable and net zero practices in the UK pest control industry.

She was tasked with analysing Pest Solutions’ business practices to date on sustainability, carrying out a full net zero assessment and creating an action plan for the business to begin implementing in the coming months.

Chris Cagienard, managing director at Pest Solutions and president of BPCA, said: “At Pest Solutions, we’re committed to putting our clients and our people first as we aim to offer the best service we can. We are passionate about making sure we are as sustainability minded as possible and being part of the Step Up to Net Zero programme is key for us.

“This is not about ticking boxes for us, we look forward to seeing the action plan that is being worked on by Maisie and begin to implement tangible changes across the business as we support Glasgow’s journey to net zero by 2030 and Scotland’s journey to net zero by 2045.”

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With more than 25 years' experience in business-to-business publishing, Simon is editor of LBM titles Pest and OvertheCounter. Big fan of Manchester United.