Proposals for SGARs Stewardship regime published

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Stewardship proposals, by industry sector, for the future use of Second Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticides (SGARs) have now been finalised and submitted to HSE. These were circulated to stakeholders on 20 February.

Prepared under the co-ordination and guidance of the Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU), this document, running to 48 pages, details the stewardship proposals each sector group has developed to be put into practice to promote the responsible use of SGARs, subject to consideration by the government Oversight Group..

These proposals were emailed to stakeholders for information and comment with a deadline of 28 February.  

Read the full stewardship proposal document.

The proposals will be presented by representatives of the four sector groups at a meeting of the Oversight group to be held in York on 4 March 2014. The Oversight group consists of the HSE, the Department of Health (DH) and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

If the proposals, and the various processes described for monitoring the operation and impacts of the Stewardship Regime, are considered appropriate by these government agencies, implementation of the Regime will begin immediately.

The Oversight group will then have made a well-founded decision for the future about who is permitted to use SGARs in the UK, where they can be used and how they should be applied responsibly and effectively.



Save our SGARs

The four sector groups
Each of these sector groups comprises agencies, organisations and businesses that represent or otherwise can directly influence SGAR users in the relevant sector. Details of those organisations and individuals who made-up these sector groups are detailed within the proposal document.

The four groups are:

1) Agricultural industries,
2) Gamekeeping,
3) Professional pest control and local authorities and
4) Suppliers.

Although there may, unsurprisingly,  be slight deviations in approach between these somewhat diverse sector groups, congratulations should go to CRRU who, under the chairmanship of Dr Alan Buckle, has brought these proposals together in such a relatively short space of time.

For further background on the story so far read the report in the latest edition of Pest magazine. A detailed background as to the rationale behind these stewardship proposals can be read here.

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