No-one is good at everything, so identify what you do well and develop it, then get out there and market your skill. That was the advice from Judy Dold in her address to the second national meeting of the UKs Professional Women in Pest Management group held last week during PestEx.
There were plenty more tips in Judy Dold’s talk some specifically for women but others equally relevant to the ‘honoury women’ (otherwise known as men) who came along to the Professional Women in Pest Management (PWIPM) gathering last Wednesday.
Judy is the president of Rose Pest Solutions, the oldest pest management business in the USA and a former president of the powerful US trade association the NPMA. Sharing some of the experiences and challenges she has faced in her career she gave an inspirational presentation. Speaking with no PowerPoint presentation to get in the way (or many notes for that matter) she told her audience that if they wanted to be taken seriously they must come prepared. “Don’t try to wing it, as a woman you don’t have that luxury,” she warned. “And remember, the appearance of power is power,” she said as she entered the room in two very different ways to illustrate her point. She also advised her audience to develop their listening skills and she concluded: “Every person in this room has the ability to do what they want to do. If you are held up by something then take a good look at the obstacle and then find a way round it. Get rid of it and keep focused.” A discussion followed on how the group can move forward led by Killgerm’s Sabra Fearon, who chaired the meeting. It was agreed that the next national meeting would take place during PestTech in November. The formal proceedings were followed by an excellent wine and cheese social which provided a networking opportunity and a chance to kick off those shoes and relax after a gruelling day on stand duty or tramping round the exhibition. Thanks are due to AgriSense, Bayer Environmental Science, BPCA, Ecolab, NPTA, Pest, Pest Control News and Sorex (now BASF Pest Solutions) without whose generous support the event could not have been held. PWIPM was launched on 16 January 2009 to provide support encouragement and mentoring for women within this industry. From technician to office-based support all are welcome to join this exciting group celebrating the unique contribution women make to pest management. |