News from Killgerm Chemicals

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Due to be launched at PestTech, DuPont claims that Advion, their new cockroach bait, is world-leading, revolutionising the industry by offering a combination of speed and control that is unlike any other bait on the market.

A big promise you can trust: DuPont Advion

Due to be launched at PestTech, DuPont claims that Advion, their new cockroach bait, is world-leading, revolutionising the industry by offering a combination of speed and control that is unlike any other bait on the market. This impressive claim is further supported by the US Environmental Protection Agency classing its active ingredient, indoxacarb, as ‘reduced-risk’, which has enabled DuPont to state in their material safety data sheets that no specific first aid intervention is required upon accidental exposure.

Experience unbeatable cockroach control
Not only has Advion been proven to work on all major pest species of cockroach, even gel-bait-averse ones, but its unique environmental and toxicological profile sets it apart from all competitors, ensuring it can be used safely in many sensitive situations, such as schools, food handling establishments and hospitals.

Available exclusively from Killgerm in the UK, Raymond Harrop, Killgerm joint managing director stated: “We are very excited to be working with DuPont to bring our customers Advion. Its active ingredient employs a new class of chemistry, bringing a truly innovative product to the market which will enable our customers to gain control effectively and safely, helping them to grow new business in a wide variety of application sites.”

So how does it work?
When insects ingest Advion, the indoxacarb is broken down making a more powerful chemical, metaActive. This chemical then blocks the insect’s sodium channels, resulting in the paralysis and death of target insect pests.

Knowledge of cockroach behaviour can be used to achieve enhanced control. For example, non-foraging gravid females and nymphs can remain in the harbourage area and they must be targeted to achieve full control. This can be achieved via secondary or tertiary kill, through the ingestion of faeces and secretions from affected individuals. When foraging cockroaches are exposed to Advion, a three-step chain reaction is unleashed, which multiplies to kill secondary and tertiary groups. As a result of the tertiary control, it is possible to kill 54 cockroaches for every one cockroach exposed directly to Advion – a number that best matches the average ratios of feeding males to the potential growth rate of the population.

For more information visit DuPont and Killgerm at PestTech or phone 01924 268420.

DuPont Advion

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