Time to vote for your favourite new product

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The nominations have closed in the first Pest Best New Product of the Year Award and it”s time for you to vote for your favourites.

The 12 fantastic new products nominated byPestreaders are listed in alphabetical order below.

Take a look at the shortlist and decide which products you think have helped you most as a pest professional. You can vote for up to three products.

To be counted your vote must be in before midnight on Sunday 31 October. To send us your vote click here to email the editor and typeMy Vote in the subject line. As well as listing up to three products, please also make sure you include your full name and the name of the organisation you work for in your email.

The product which receives the greatest number of votes will be announced during PestTech at the National Motorcycle Museum on 3 November and will be featured on thePestwebsite and in Issue 12 ofPestmagazine.

Please note whilst may vote for up to three products we will only accept one voting email (or one voting form from the magazine) from each reader. Manufacturers and their employees cannot vote for their own products.

  Advion gel   Detex Blox   Romax Mouse box
Advion cockroach gel from DuPont Detex Blox monitoring bait from Bell  Romax Mouse box from Barrettine
Aura flykiller K-Othrine Ezi Romax Rat
Aura decorative flykiller from Insect-o-Cutor K-Othrine Ezi dose dispenser from Bayer Romax Rat CP rodenticide from Barrettine
BB Alert Passive Maxforce Quantum Snap-E cover
BB Alert Passive bedbug monitor from Midmos Maxforce Quantum ant gel from Bayer Snap-E Cover mouse box from Kness
BB Alert Active Phobi Dose Vertox
BB Alert Active bedbug monitor from Midmos Phobi Dose insecticide from Lodi Vertox whole wheat bait from PelGar
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