In our other reports from PestWorld, we have covered specific topics – the exhibition, the educational sessions and the like. But here you can see a round-up of images from the event which tries to capture its spirit. Enjoy!
First the location. For a first time visitor to Baltimore, the city came as a very pleasnt surprise – helped considerably by the lovely autumn (sorry – fall) weather we enjoyed. The other surprise was the history of the city – as Europeans we always think of the entire US as ‘new’, but Baltimore was founded in 1729.
We were reminded of this history by events surounding the war of 1812 between the United States and the British. This included the bombardment of Fort McHenry by British ships in Baltimore harbour, which went onto to inspire the poem written by Francis Scott Key, the Star-Spangled Banner, which later became the American national anthem. Today original national flags can be spotted flying in the city.
Col George Armistead who lead the defeat of the British bombardment
The originial Star-Spangled Banner spotted flying around the city
Today, the inner harbour has been tranformed into a fashionable area

This is NMPA’s showcase, including the change of NPMA president

All under the watchful eye of
NPMA CEO, Dominique Stumph

With hands across the water at
the international reception
The general sessions are opened by their sponsor – here Bayer
Then around 70 educational sessions to choose from
Plus find time for a bit of an international exchange

The exhibition is full with nearly 200 exhibits – e.g. US-based Bell

or multi-national Syngenta
or combined B&G, Curtis-Dyna Fog, Agrisense and Silvandersson
As to be expected, plenty of US companies, such as Technicide
or Jim Oakes of JF Oakes

and Kness, who for the first time
were sporting their new livery
Supporting their US operation
was the team from PelGar
As was PestWest who recently opened a new facility in Florida
Plus a full team turn-out for Pelsis
Igeba from Germany linked up with their US distributors
From the UK, Rat Pak was
once again exhibiting

Whilst Yanco from Liverpool made their debut appearance
There’s time for conversations as Mathew Kaye, left, discovered
But it wouldn’t be a pest control event without an uninvited invader!
Hard work certainly, but time for a drink for the Pest team. Cheers!