A new, one-day advanced bird course aimed at tackling the more complex bird challenges has been launched by Network Bird Control.
Aimed at keen, dynamic and experienced bird work installers and surveyors, the course will concentrate on presenting and discussing complex bird challenges, professional solutions and effective selling techniques.
The day’s programme is not the usual legislation and product stuff.
As Grahame Turner from Network explains: “This course is totally different to the well known Network introduction to bird work course. It takes birdwork onto a higher level, discussing strategy and tactics.” Key topics for the day include: where and how to look for birdwork; diseases and insects spread by birds; survey techniques; clever (fast/quality/effective/discreet) solutions; designing complex bird management strategies; how to make the most financially out of the exercise and what tactics to use to win customers over. It does also cover how to use the new Avishock electric bird deterrent. Programme dates for the whole year have been set with venues ranging from Essex to Edinburgh. Click here to visit the Sorex website for a full list of courses and venues Click here to download a PDF of the course and venue details. |